As an alternative to wearing orthodontic braces, Invisalign’s clear aligner system straightens teeth for cosmetic improvements, but it can also correct bite issues. Modern Invisalign even has a teeth whitening option, in which the same trays that straighten teeth can pull dual duty as whitening trays.
If you’re considering Invisalign, take time to read today’s blog. We’ll present the benefits of this innovative treatment, as well as the drawbacks. Once you have a comprehensive understanding of Invisalign, you can make a wise, informed decision about orthodontic treatment.
Benefits of Invisalign
Compared to traditional metal braces, clear braces, and lingual braces (which go on the back of teeth), Invisalign clear aligners offer patients many benefits. These include, but aren’t limited to:
Shorter Treatment Time
Treatment time with traditional braces usually lasts 24 months. In contrast, Invisalign takes just six to 18 months, and the length of time depends upon the conditions being addressed and their severity.
Inconspicuous Appearance
Metal braces are smaller than their counterparts in previous generations, but still, they appear obvious and bulky. Clear braces involve using white ceramic brackets and light-colored metal wires, which are less obvious, but still completely visible. Lingual braces adhere to the back of teeth, but they aren’t right for every patient.
Invisalign aligners are made of clear acrylic, a soft plastic material. Not only are the aligners hard to see when inserted over teeth, but they can be removed for special occasions and when eating.
Comfortable Orthodontic Therapy
Because Invisalign involves no wires, brackets, or bands, patients never have to worry about broken components, poking wires, or metal rubbing sores on tender soft oral tissues. Furthermore, traditional braces require six-week adjustments, where we tighten the wires and make sure brackets are in the proper location for optimal, precise teeth movement.
At six-week Invisalign check-in appointments, patients undergo a brief evaluation to ensure they’re on track with the treatment completion date. Every two weeks, the patient discards his current aligner and begins using the next aligner in his set.
Ease of Care
To brush and floss teeth, simply remove your aligner. Clean your teeth twice daily, floss daily, as you would if you weren’t undergoing orthodontic therapy. Then rinse your Invisalign aligners with cool water and clear, fragrance-free hand soap or dish soap. Rinse again and reinsert the aligners. Be sure to also visit Dr. Wegner for regular dental checkups and cleanings every six months.
Habits and Hangups that Disrupt Treatment
Invisalign should be worn for 22 hours a day to keep a patient on track with his or her completion date.
Do not chew on your aligners. If an Invisalign aligner is damaged or lost, call Town & Country Dental immediately, so we can order a replacement.
If you neglect to wear your aligners as instructed, your teeth may not move as quickly as projected. In the worst case, if you don’t wear an aligner for weeks, your teeth could relapse. This means, they shift back toward their original, improper positions and forward progress is lost. When relapse occurs, the patient may need a new treatment plan and all-new Invisalign aligners.
Schedule an Invisalign Consultation Now
To find out if you’re a good candidate for Invisalign, call Town & Country Dental in Oak Park, IL, at 708-383-0330. In our comfortable dental office, Dr. Thomas Wegner will discuss your treatment goals, answer all your questions, and evaluate your oral health before making his recommendation. We look forward to serving you and your loved ones!