Your Dentist in Oak Park, IL
with gentle care.
Healthy Smile Incentives
We try to include incentives for our kid patients to mix fun and motivation together in their journey toward creating healthy dental habits that last a lifetime.
Win a Free Bike
The following “Success Stores” demonstrate many of the reasons we implemented our “Outstanding Check-Up” award program.
Amelia’s New Bike
Amelia was so excited to learn that she was one of the winners from the bike raffle at Dr. Wegner’s office that she wanted to go over and pick out her new bike immediately (it probably didn’t help that the weather was unseasonably warm that week and perfect for bike riding). So she, her younger brother and I piled in the car and drove over to Oak Park Cyclery to check out her options. We got out of the car and were making our way to the entrance when she saw it! Her new bike! It had Amelia written all over it. It was purple, pink and white with butterflies on the seat and it was just her size!
But as we reached the entrance, we found out they were closed that day. Amelia was heartbroken and afraid that her bike would be gone by the time we made it back to the bike shop. We made our way back to the bike shop later that week and again hopped out of the car and made our way to the entrance of the bike shop. She was ecstatic to see that her bike was still in the front window. We went over to the area where the kids bikes were located and waited for someone to come and help us (they were quite busy that day!). I told her to take a look at all of the bikes to make sure that the one in the window was the one she really wanted. An employee eventually came over to help us and pointed out all of the bikes that were available in Amelia’s size. The employee did not mention the one in the window and Amelia started to get this worried look on her face because the bikes that the employee pointed out were not fancy like the one she saw in the window. So, after the employee showed us all of the available bikes, I asked if the bike in the window was also a choice and…. much to Amelia’s relief, it was! Amelia got this huge smile on her face when the employee said she could have that one. The employee brought it down from the window and had her sit on it to make sure it was the right size. Amelia was beaming with excitement! We took the bike outside and loaded it up in the car to take it home. You can imagine what Amelia wanted to do as soon as we got home with the bike – ride it! Dr. Wegner, Amelia and her dad and I would like to thank you for this very special gift. She loves her new bike and wants to ride it all the time. She already likes coming to the dentist, but this makes her like coming to the dentist even more now!
Megan Hunkele
Ellie’s New Bike
Dear Dr. Wegner and the fun and caring staff at Town and Country Dental,
We have been lucky enough to have two of our kids win bikes from you over the last several years. Ellie just took her picture with Dr. Wegner last week. I wanted to enclose some pictures of my son John with his bike and I wanted to write a little story that I hope conveys the joy we have had with it over the last few years. I want to thank you for this gift. Feel free to use/post the pictures or the story. We are grateful for the high level of care you give to our family and the caring and fun spirit you bring to all of the families you serve.
Our best to all of you,
Carrie McGillen
About three years ago our son Johnny (then 4) got the call that his name was picked out of the “outstanding checkup” hat and he had won a bike. He beamed as we went to Oak Park Cyclery to pick out his first bike, a black and white 16-inch frame with lightning bolts on the sides. He quickly begged to take off the wheels and after surprisingly few runs with mom and dad holding the seat, he got the hang of riding a 2-wheeler and took off. The first picture I’m attaching features Johnny learning how to ride the lightning bike without training wheels.
On this bike over the last three years, Johnny has cruised up and down our South Oak Park street, pedaled to the farmers market for folk music and fruit, rolled to the pool for a summer dip, and cycled to the library to stock up on favorite superhero books.
Last summer we loaded up the bikes and headed to Le Petit Train du Nor, a 140km bike trail that winds through the Quebec countryside. The next two pictures attached here was taken on this trip. Johnny was usually at the front of the pack, blazing the trail with the help of the lightning bike. We made magical memories along that trail, stopping along the way to eat cliff bars and read another chapter of Harry Potter on our rest breaks.
John will be 8 this summer, and his legs have grown too long for the lightning bike. With a tinge of sadness we must pass it along to a friend’s little boy. John has his eye on another bike–a red one with pegs for doing tricks. He is hoping we will soon let him ride to his friend’s house all by himself.
The universe works in funny ways.
Just last week we got the call that our 4-year old daughter Ellie’s name was picked out of the “outstanding checkup” hat and she won a new bike. She squealed with delight as we drove to the bike shop. She picked out a raspberry colored bike with butterflies on the sides. She’s already asking if we’ll take off the training wheels.
Another “Outstanding Checkup Award” Bike Winner
January 2009
Dear Dr. Wegner,
My daughter Viktoria was a winner of a bicycle last fall. Thank you very much for sponsoring such a generous reward program. It stimulated my daughter not only to take proper care of her teeth , but also to learn how to ride a bike without supporting wheels!
Julia Hanson
My son won a bike in the Outstanding Check-Up drawing for December 2004. He was four years old when he won, and he is just thrilled to have won something so exciting for doing a good job brushing his teeth. He picked out a bike to grow into and he can’t wait to ride it! He talks about the bike often when he’s brushing his teeth. His eight-year-old sister, who has never been entered in the drawing for an outstanding check-up, has been motivated by this too. She is brushing better so she can be entered into the drawing on her next visit to Dr. Wegner.
Michelle D. regarding her son
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